AgeTech West

Creating Choices for Consumer- Responsive Care Delivery

AgeTech West is pleased to share the vision of Care Innovations’ Chief Executive Officer, Sean Slovenski, of how technology is creating new choices for consumer-responsive care delivery in senior living and aging services. A joint-venture of Intel and GE Healthcare, Care Innovations is a Technology Partner Sponsor of AgeTech West headquartered in the greater Sacramento, California area. Slovenski was named CEO in October 2013 and has held significant senior leadership roles within the industry, most recently at Humana serving as Segment Vice President of Humana’s Health and Productivity Solutions business group.

As the aging population rapidly grows, senior living providers are faced with some tough challenges ahead, such as managing a growing number of people with chronic conditions, increased risk for falls, and a more diverse economic situation among the people who need to live in a community. Regardless of the challenge, the older population desires more independence, with the support of more personalized care, and we know we can’t do that simply by employing more caregivers and increasing capacity in senior living communities. New innovations, in communication, workflow, and technology, must be embraced if older Americans are to receive more personalized care at a price they, and our nation, can afford.

Because of the demand for independence from residents and their family members, the senior living and assisted living industry is becoming more comfortable with technology that improves facilities’ operations, as well as quality of care. In fact, more than 90 percent of the largest nonprofit senior living providers have adopted some form of technology, according to the LeadingAge Ziegler 100 Technology Adoption and Utilization Survey. This is a promising foundation on which we can make even more progress by establishing stronger connections between residents, professional care providers, and family members.

The pressure from residents and the market for senior living providers to deliver more health services and prevent injuries and complication from common conditions is increasing and will be a key factor in a senior living community’s success. There is a renewed acceptance of applying technologies to drive resident independence, resident acquisition and retention, fall reduction, among others.

Solutions like smart sensor technology can detect resident movement patterns and notify a professional caregiver if something out of the ordinary occurs. The information gathered from monitoring solutions can help caregivers be in the right place at the right time, improving efficiency and quality of care.

Increased technology adoption can also lead to positive feedback from residents and their loved ones because technology can provide an unbiased view of a resident’s health, and offers added reassurance that the senior will be safe and engaged with their community. For residents, technology can allow them to live independently while simultaneously increasing their sense of security, improving the care they receive, and connecting them with friends, family and caregivers.

At Intel-GE Care Innovations™, we strive to connect the right technology, workflow, data and people to improve quality of life and support better health. With a deep understanding of behavior change and innovation, we work with senior living communities to connect people to their care teams and give them the confidence to live independently, wherever they call home. We have a big challenge, yet even more opportunity because of the advanced technology and connectivity we have at our fingertips. Still, it’s people who will make the difference in moving us forward, and we need to take a step each day because there’s no time to waste.

Sean Slovenski, CEO, Care Innovations